Tuesday, January 22, 2008


After visiting Rome I stayed in Perugia for about a week to visit a dear friend (Maria) that I made last year while studying at the University for Foreigners in Perugia. She's pretty much the social queen bee of Perugia, which meant many, many parties, get-togethers, dinners, and coffees (as Italians do best). Perugia is one of the most beautiful and unique cities in Rome, I feel. It's got such a diverse and ever-changing population since there's the University for Foreigners plus I think two Italian universities as well. The beauty of it is that you may have class with people from all over the world, but everyone shares in common their desire to learn Italian (at least most of the time). It's such a lively, interesting, and captivating city....Here are a few pics from that trip:

Trip to Rome September 2007

I visited Rome for about three weeks in the beginning of September 2007. I stayed for most of that time with my good friend Haley who is the UW Rome Center Intern and is currently living in Rome for a year in the Campo de' Fiori (lucky her!) On this trip to Rome I spent most of my time re-visiting old friends and places, trying to act less like a tourist and more like a Roman... : )...eating so much good food, drinking a lot of good wine (not TOO much of course) and just basically slowing down and enjoying the beauty that is Rome. I took a few pictures, but spent most of my time just wandering. Here are a few pictures from those weeks:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pictures from Mexico Trip!

From December 13 - 24, 2007 I visited the Mexican cities of Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Coba, Merida, and Isla Mujeres with my best friend Karen Cuba. Here are a few of our pictures from that trip, enjoy!


Hey, thanks for checking out my blog. It's just in the beginning stages, but my vision is for a place where I can document the places I've been and also keep in touch a little better with people as I travel. I'll be posting some pictures from recent trips I've taken, as well as discussing possible future destinations and plans. I love to travel, experience other cultures, eat, dance, read, and share ideas on sustainable agriculture and organic farming. My dream is to run a self-sufficient organic agrotourism in either Italy or Puerto Rico that can educate people about the local environment, conservation and health through creative avenues such as cooking, the arts, meditation, yoga, outdoor activities, and more. Please check back soon - I hope to be posting more info and pics right away! And thanks for stopping by - i love comments! : ) Ciao.....