Monday, January 12, 2009 all about 'em

I just wanted to write a quick note so people know I didn't fall off the face of the earth! I've just relocated again to Seattle and am currently looking for a job (not a fun or easy task in this economy). Since my trip to Europe was cut short in September due to a broken heel, I've just been recovering since then. Now that I'm back up and walking I'm looking to work in Seattle for the next year and a half or so, and apply to graduate school next fall. I'm going to be volunteering with Solid Ground's Lettuce Link program soon, which I'm super excited about! I may also start doing some work with the Community Alliance for Global Justice's Food Justice Program. I'm really excited about getting more active and involved in these important issues, as well as getting ready to apply to grad school! That's about it for now...peace out! ...maria