Friday, July 18, 2008

Rome, Peschici, Rogliano, Sangineto, Perugia

Ok so please forgive the punctuation in this post as i have still to figure out how to use these Italian keyboards....I'm in Perugia now! After Rome Adriana and I went to Peschici, a stunningly beautiful beach town on the Adriatic coast, in the region of Puglia. We had a fantastic time, just laying on the beach and swimming in the crystal clear water for two days, leaving the beach only to eat. I guess it has been awhile since my poor body has seen the sun because i got pretty sunburned and now im peeling all over...yuck. After those two glorious days in the sun we made the 12-hour (and 6 different train or bus changes) trek to Cosenza. Our host family picked us up at the train station and all six of us piled in the car and drove to the small town of Rogliano. This is where we stayed along with another friend, Megan, just over two years ago to study Italian. That time we stayed a month, but this year we could only stay a weekend, unfortunately.

Being back with the fam was such a blast, a whirlwind of huge, delicious meals and trips to visit all the different aunts and cousins in the town, each visit complemented with the compulsory snack or sweets with coffee. We ate so much in this single weekend....I cannot stress enough the amount of food we managed to stuff down. We had pastasciutta (pasta with fresh tomato sauce and little cream), fiori di zucca (zucchini flowers stuffed with mozzarella and then fried), pasta with pesto, pasta with a sauce made of onions, tomatoes, carrots, and meat, peppers with mashed potatoes, frittata with fried zucchini and eggs, fried mozzarella with tomatoes...and so much more I'm unfortunately forgetting. And even after stuffing ourselves full of pasta, vegetables, meat, cheese, fruit, and dessert our host mother, Luisa, would lament about how us American girls ate so little, and how we were so skinny and needed some fattening up. Believe me, if we had stayed any longer I'm sure we would have fattened up quite nicely.

After visiting Rogliano, Adriana and I went for one day to Sangineto, another small and beautiful town on the beach. This one was in Calabria, however, and we stayed with a friend from Rogliano. The water was so clear, you could still see you feet after you couldnt reach the bottom with your feet anymore! The next day we made our way back to Rome to meet up with Haley, and got in much later than expected because our train broke down and we had to change to another, then swtich again in Napoli...oh the joys of Italian transportation. : ) Then the next day was our last day in Rome all together, me, Haley, and Adriana, so we spent the whole day doing what we love best....eating! All we did was visit our favorite places to get our favorite foods and broke up the meals by walking so we didnt feel so bad about eating so much. We had coffee, cornetti, granita di caffè, pizza bianca, nutella crepes, and finished off the evening with a bottle of Nero d'Avola red wine and a buffet-style antipasti with couscous, various salads, salami, tomatoes, more pizza bianca, salmon, frittata, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something... That evening we went dancing close to Piazza Navona, and didnt go to bed until 4:30 am!

The next day Adriana left for New York, and I took the train to Perugia to visit my good friend, Maria. I just got in yesterday and of course we had to celebrate me being back by going out...dancing of course! It was so great to see friends I made here from two years ago, and also to meet new friends of Maria. I'll be here for about ten days i think and that after that I'll head south for the festival in Abruzzo. I'm having such a great time visiting my friends and just enjoying, eating, eating some more, walking in these beautiful cities... I'm going to try and post some photos now from the past few weeks...enjoy!

Ciao ciao......Maria

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