Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I've arrived in Rome!

Ciao a tutti! After two very long and uncomfortable flights, here I am in Rome! I arrived yesterday and was shocked by the scorching heat...but I have to say it's a nice change from the recently dreary Seattle. I've been staying with my friends Haley and Adriana. Haley has been living in Rome for the past year as the UW Rome Center intern, and Adriana flew here from New York to meet us for two weeks. Last night we had dinner at this restaurant that serves typical roman food. I had bombolotti all'amatriciana.....delicious thick, short rolls of pasta with a spicy bacon, tomato, and parmesan sauce. With red house wine and fresh bread of course! We took a stroll around Piazza Navona and then got gelato (me: banana and watermelon) at Da Quinto nearby. Then today we had slices of pizza at this pizzeria called Pizza Art close to where Haley lives in the Campo de Fiori. I had a delicious combination of tomatoes, mayonnaise, and prosciutto between two hot pieces of pizza bianca. Then, gelato again! This time at one of my favorite places - a tiny window in Trastevere that has the best straciatella gelato I've ever tasted. I've missed real Italian food so much, being here feels so great. We are heading out to dinner soon.....I'm craving the spaghetti alla carbonara, spaghetti made with pancetta (ham), eggs, pecorino cheese, and pepper...yum! I'll try and post some pictures tomorrow of our romping around town. Ciao!  


Anonymous said...

Hi Moomers, Sweetie,
Had a little hard time finding
the commets link. I'm so happy
you are finaly there because I know you kind of dreaded the long
trip, say hi to Haley and Adrianna
for me. I love you very much, and
love your blog, eat, pray and
have a blast and yes call your Mami often, Mami te ama. 7/2/08

Maria Elena Rodriguez said...

Mami! Thanks for the comment, I miss you and love you very much! Adriana and Haley say hi, we are having a wonderful time. I'll be posting more soon...ciao!