Sunday, June 29, 2008

On my way to Italy!

Well, this will be my last post before I start blogging from Europe! I leave tomorrow morning around 8 am. Today I'm spending the day with my mom in Tacoma running around trying to get everything done before leaving. I'm actually quite nervous because I have a lot of planning left to do and things to solidify, but I should be able to do that once I get to Rome and along the way as well.

If I didn't get to see you in person or talk to you on the phone before leaving tomorrow...please forgive me! In this last week I tried to get around to everyone, but as always time just slips through my fingers and here I am leaving in 12 hours! I wish all my friends and family a beautiful summer and fall, and please stay in touch! Email me at rodriguezme08 [at] or leave me comments on this blog as well! Whenever I have the chance to check my email or blog I will. See you all very soon...and take care!

Maria Elena Rodriguez

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