Thursday, October 23, 2008

Arrival in Noto…and a Sicilian wedding! August 2008

After leaving Taormina, I travelled to Noto, close to Siracusa in Sicily. I visited this area last year in November and this time I decided to come back and visit friends I had made and enjoy the last of the warm summer days in beautiful sunny Sicily! I stayed on a farm in the area with olive trees, almond trees, citrus, and two beautiful horses who roam free! During this time I took many trips around the area, visited different beaches and places of interest like Pantalica, Noto Antica, and Le Concerie, which I’ll post some pictures from in a bit. But one of the most exciting things was the day I arrived! A friend's mother was getting married and I was invited to the wedding and reception! The bride and groom were swept away on a traditional Sicilian horse carriage (which I got to sit on!) and the ceremony and reception were beautiful! The reception was held at L’Ancora, a restaurant on the beach in nearby Avola where the groom works. We ate, and ate, and ate….for at least four hours in one sitting…it was amazing! And although I don’t eat much fish I was plumb full at the end of the night with antipasti of veggies in oil, two types of pasta, a bit of fish, and delicious wedding cake! The bride and groom were absolutely stunning, it was a great festa with lots of family and friends…a great way to start my stay in Noto! Here are some pictures of the festivities and downtown Noto…

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