Thursday, October 23, 2008

Barack Obama loves young farmers

Okay, that may be a bit of an overstatement....but he does say this on his web site, as part of his Rural America Plan:

Encourage Young People to Become Farmers:
The average age of a farm operator in Iowa is 54, and there are not enough young people entering farming. Becoming a successful farmer is a lifelong endeavor. Barack Obama will establish a new program to identify the next generation of farmers and ranchers and help them develop professional skills and find work that leads to farm ownership and management. He will help our land-grant university system and the cooperative extension services work closely with organizations such as 4-H and FFA to identify and prepare candidates for this program.

Barack Obama will also provide a capital gains tax break for landowners selling to beginning family farmers, and a first-time buyers tax credit for new farmers. These incentives will make it easier for new farmers to afford their first farm.

So get out there...and get 'er done.


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