Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Support Healthy Food and Agriculture! Sign the Food Declaration!!

Hello all! From this month's Slow Food USA e-newsletter:

"Initiated by Roots of Change (ROC), and developed by a national team of noted thinkers, authors and activists, the Declaration for Healthy Food and Agriculture calls for a visionary 21st Century Food, Farm and Agriculture Policy that benefits all Americans.

The Declaration aims to accelerate a transition away from our nation's present industrialized agricultural system and towards a healthier, cleaner and more just food system, a system rooted in principles of health for our nation's people, animals and the environment.

Now is the time to comment on the proposed draft and join other eaters in shaping a set of principles from which Washington legislators can adopt to craft policy that will lead to a future food system that is healthier, more accessible and affordable for all.

The Declaration is currently in draft form, and we ask you to read the Declaration and comment on it and/or endorse it online at The comment period will end on November 30, 2008.

In the beginning of 2009, Slow Food will be one of many organizations working to collect thousands of signatures on the final Declaration. At the same time, a team of policy experts will develop a specific policy agenda on food and agriculture that will emerge from the principles in the Declaration."

Sign it and pass it on!

Happy and slow eating,

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