Monday, June 9, 2008

Italy Farm Stay volunteering!

Italy update: During the month of September I will be volunteering through WWOOF on an organic farm/agriturismo in the foothills of the Abruzzi mountains, directly between Rome and Naples. Aside from the daily farm work they also have a wide variety of extra activities! I will be able to participate in horseback riding, visit a local cheese-making shepherd, yoga classes, Italian language lessons, day and overnight hikes, Italian cooking classes (yum!), paragliding, and bike rentals! I am super excited about this place, I've heard great things from other WWOOF volunteers and it seems to be well-organized with just the right amount of work mixed with extra fun!

The farm looks like a great place to get some quality organic farming experience. They grow olives for their own olive oil, grapes for their own wine, and many vegetables and fruits. They also have a variety of animals on the farm including goats, chickens, sheep, rabbits, and a donkey - the farm mascot! They also get their own milk and eggs from the farm. My understanding is that they are working to become as self-sufficient as possible, and it looks like so far so good! They are also very concerned with people thinking about and knowing where their food is coming from, and understanding how it was produced and by whom. By educating visitors to their farm about small-scale organic farming, the owners hope to encourage people to favor more local and seasonal food choices over the globalized nature of our current food system. I can't wait to get there and learn more!

Visit their web site here for much more info and gorgeous pictures!


Anonymous said...


I've really enjoyed reading your blog! I was just wondering whether you ever made it as a volunteer at Italy farm stay? If so, how was it? I'm going there for 3 weeks this month and although all the reviews from guests that I've found have been amazing, some of the volunteers' comments haven't been as positive, saying things like there was a weird atmosphere between the owners and the volunteers? It's made me a bit worried! Anyway if you actually receive this I'd be grateful if you could reply -!

Thanks a lot!!! :)

Anonymous said...


The 3 weeks I spent on the farm were 3 of the best weeks ever!!

Everyone should visit/ volunteer in this amazing place. Antonello is such a great guy. I loved it.