Monday, June 23, 2008

Sicily: La Riserva dello Zingaro (Oct 2007)

We also took a day trip to La Riserva dello Zingaro while at Villa del Bosco Agriturismo. I went with a friend from the farm and three other WWOOF volunteers to hike through this 1,650-hectare nature preserve that connects two towns, Scopello and San Vito Lo Capo. There are no paved roads in this park, only trails that connect the various coves where people flock for swimming and sunbathing. Even though it was close to the end of October, the water was still warm enough for some people to go swimming (but not for me! : ) This landscape was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Around every corner there was another shocking view of the bright blue water, steep coastline, or the rocky cliffs and lush greenery. The WWOOF volunteers were accompanied by Giuseppe, a native of this area who spoke at length on the various medicinal and traditional uses of many of the plants we saw along the trail. Once we reached the best beach, according to Giuseppe, we stayed there swimming and relaxing after the long trek. On our way back we stopped in the town of Scopello for refreshments at a little cafe in the main piazza.

This is a quote that epitomizes my feelings about this special place, taken from the Riserva web site. I'm sorry, I wont even try to translate this with my inadequate grasp of the Italian language! Maybe some day...

"Questo angolo di paradiso ancora pulito, questa vegetazione spontanea e forte che sposa l'intenso azzurro di un cielo terso al cangiante colore di un mare dalle acque limpide e cristalline, รจ uno scrigno aperto laddove la terra profuma ancora di terra ed il mare profuma ancora di mare, due componenti che ispirano allo studio, alla meditazione alla distensione fisica e spirituale." (G. Battaglia)

Check out the official Riserva dello Zingaro web site here for tons of information and more beautiful pictures (in Italian only):

Here are some pictures from that trip, enjoy!

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