Thursday, June 5, 2008

Travelling to Europe this summer!

Hey all, I've decided to go for it....I bought a plane ticket to Italy! I leave June 30 and my return flight is Dec 4, though I'm keeping my options open on that one....who knows? If I could find some paid internship or a way to stay in Italy for longer I would definitely stay. But for now this is the plan. I'm very excited! Though I've loved being a student and am sad to leave UW I am also ready to get out in the world, see what it has to offer, and what follow my dreams of becoming a "beyond organic" farmer!

So...I will be flying into and out of Rome and during these 5 months I'm hoping to also visit Spain, France, Greece and possibly Germany...but unfortunately I may not be able to do all that due to lack of $$$ (I am currently accepting donations to the Maria Travel Fund - I take cash, checks, and money orders) ; ) Since I'll be doing a lot of WWOOFing I wont have to spend much during my time on these farms, but transportation between farms and cities will require some cash money.

After returning from this trip I will probably come back to Tacoma (or wherever my mom is living then : ) to move back in with mom (thanks mom!), get a job, start paying off school loans (boo), and getting ready to apply to graduate school! I'd like to apply in the fall of 2009 and start in the fall of 2010. I'm looking into the International Agricultural Development Master's of Science degree from the University of California, Davis, as well as other options both domestic and international. I'm also still interested in joining the Peace Corps, and possibly applying for the Peace Corp's Master's International program ( and doing my master's degree and the peace corps program together....... but this all could change! Just my ideas for the moment.

It's SO exciting to be graduating!!! Get ready world...cause here I come!! : )

Ciao ciao....

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