Monday, June 23, 2008

Sicily: Cava d'Ispica (Nov 2007)

For the first time in my life...I went rock climbing for real! It is quite a funny story really....I didn't set out to go rock climbing. One Saturday or Sunday while at the farm, the owner Giuseppe asked me and two other WWOOF volunteers (from Germany and Italy) if we'd like to go for a ride in the countryside around Noto and of course we said yes. We got in the car and somewhere along the way met up with one of his friends. We drove for awhile, through beautiful rolling hills and citrus orchards. Eventually Giuseppe pulled the car down a long winding road, and we drove until we ran across a home tucked away in the hillside. Giuseppe got out of the car and went to knock on the door of this house. After discussing something with the homeowners, we parked the car there and helped Giuseppe carry some bags out of the trunk. I kind of began to wonder if I had inadvertently gotten caught up in some Mafia business or something.

We began to hike past this person's home, through what looked like their backyard or land. After hiking for approximately 20 minutes we came to a clearing where Giuseppe set his bags down. I looked around the place for awhile, taking in the striking scenery of steep cliffs, shrubby trees, and wild olive trees. Then I noticed Giuseppe unpacking some of the bags we had carried up. After a few minutes I realized he was getting ready to rock climb! Out came ropes, carabiners, climbing shoes, harnesses, and chalk bags. Something must have gotten lost in translation : )

Giuseppe and his friend began to lay out the ropes on pre-positioned hooks (sorry I don't know any of the official climber lingo). Both took turns climbing up to the top of the cliff, which based on my very faulty visual measurement capabilities could have been maybe 60-80 feet up. Soon, more groups of climbers began arriving and setting up their equipment and ropes on other parts of the rock face. I found out this is a very popular spot for local rock climbers. Some people even brought along their two dogs, which made me very happy (see the pics below)! After awhile Giuseppe asked us volunteers if we wanted to try. I automatically turned the offer down, thinking how ironic it would be if I came all the way to Sicily to do undergraduate research on organic farming communities and then killed myself falling off a cliff rock climbing. Both of the other volunteers did it, including the Italian WWOOFer, who must have been at least 40.

After seeing both of them give it a try, I succumbed to peer pressure and climbed. The first time I got about a quarter of the way up, chickened out, and came right back down. But the second time, I huffed and puffed and pulled myself all the way up that damn rock! Then we had a delicious lunch of panini with cheese and salami, and leisurely hiked back to the car. So that's my story!

And here's my proof : )

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