Friday, June 27, 2008

A tentative travel itinerary for Europe!

So there are still a lot of holes in my itinerary for the next five months in Europe...but I'm not too worried. Things will sort themselves out! I can't believe I leave in 3 days!!! Time since graduation has just flown by in a flurry of packing, moving out, seeing friends, working fulltime at PoE, and trying to also figure out some more details of my travels. But here's what I've got so far, though it may and probably will change a bit!

July 1-6 Rome with Haley and Adriana

July 7-10 Go to the beach on the Adriatric coast with Adriana

July 11-13 Visit previous host family in Calabria with Adriana

July 14-16 Not sure yet...

July 17-29 Greece (maybe WWOOFing or just touring)

July 30-Aug 3 Pescosolido Summer Camp, Abruzzi National Park!

Aug 4-13 WWOOF at farm in Noto, Sicily

Aug 14-30 Sciacca, Sicily

Sep1-30 WWOOF at Italy Farm Stay Abruzzo

October 1-? Visit friends in Perugia

October-? WWOOF in Tuscany

October 22-27 Terra Madre conference in Torino!! (See post way below about Terra Madre)

October 28-December 3 WWOOF in France and Spain, maybe visit friend in Hamburg, Germany for a weekend

December 4-Fly home to Seattle!

So that's what I've got so far! I'll keep you all posted when things are more set. Ciao!

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