Monday, June 23, 2008

Sicily: More Noto (Nov 2007)

As I briefly mentioned in my last post, I visited a wetland and bird sanctuary while staying at the farm outside of Noto. I tagged along with a Sicilian friend from the farm and an Italian WWOOF volunteer from Siena. This sanctuary was on the beach (the farm was only 3 km from the coast) and served as habitat for birds migrating to and from Africa to the south. There were some old abandoned buildings at this site, which I think were previously used by the military or local government...but I'm not entirely sure about that. We also walked along the shore and saw what the Sicilian thought were ruins from ancient buildings, pools, or houses, with only the foundations still intact. After this we stopped by a nearby town for coffee and to take a walk, I've included some pictures from that town because it was very beautiful! Enjoy!

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