Friday, June 27, 2008

UW Graduation update!

I'm officially a graduate of the University of Washington! It feels absolutely great. Though I think I could have continued taking classes and being a student for years, I am glad to have finished this chapter of my life and be able to start moving on to other exciting adventures and experiences. And there's always grad school! : )

My graduation activities were just awesome, my brother Aaron flew in from St. Petersburg, Florida and my aunt Brenda came from Kansas too. The Program on the Environment graduation celebration was so intimate and enjoyable, I even got a little recognition certificate for being a part of the PoE office team for the past four years, which was very sweet! My mom and brother also got to meet some of my professors, advisers, and co-workers and share in that aspect of my life.

The UW Commencement was so exciting! I'd never been to a graduation of that size before and it was truly overwhelming coming out onto the field being cheered on by thousands of friends, colleagues, and family members of the graduates. The day couldn't have been more beautiful, the sun was out but it wasn't dreadfully hot and there was no rain! Quincy Jones was our speaker and gave a moving and inspirational talk, and I got to shake his hand as the ending processional left the stadium! Even though it was indeed loooong and some parts were a little boring I'm so glad I participated. And I got to sit next to five of my lovely sorority sisters, which made those five hours so much more enjoyable! : ) La Raza Graduation was also a good time, lots of good food and it was nice seeing so many people I knew from the Latino/a community on campus.

Then on party! Although I made a big mistake in having it on Father's Day because so many of my friends went home to celebrate with their families, I still had a great time with the people that were there. It was at La Casa del Mojito restaurant on University Way and 53rd-ish. The owner, Michael, is such a darling and really worked hard to put on a great party for me, for which I am SO grateful! The food was outstanding, and there were so many leftovers we were eating rice, beans, chicken, and pork for days....but hey no complaining here! I would eat that everyday if I could.... yum! And even thought it was a little on the small side, my mom still got everyone up to dance, so I was happy!

Graduation was such a blast, and a great way to wrap up a long but beautiful educational career at the UW. CONGRATS 2008 GRADS!!! : )

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