Monday, June 23, 2008

Sicily: San Vito Lo Capo (Nov 2007)

After leaving Villa del Bosco Agriturismo I stayed for a week in San Vito Lo Capo, a small beach town on the northwestern tip of Sicily. Here I caught up on my school work, journaling and documenting what I had observed and learned on the farm, plus developing my outline and essay plan for the analysis paper I would later write on this research. The weather was just starting to turn a little chilly and windy, but there were a few days where I was able to just sit on the beach and write for hours on end. As I wrote in my last post San Vito is at one end of the Riserva dello Zingaro, so at one end of the beach there is the very end of the nature preserve with its giant rocks and hills. At the other end of the sandy beach where I was writing there was a quaint lighthouse. In the town itself there was one main street with restaurants, shops, churches, and sidewalk cafes and pastry shops where I also spent a lot of time : ) Since it was off-season I was practically the only tourist there, and so the beaches and shops were quiet and isolated. I was able to meet some very nice locals at the restaurant where I ate most of my meals.

Here are just a few shots from that week:

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